Karoon Phosphate Complex

  • Areas of Activity Chemical and Mineral
  • Location Abadan, Khuzestan
  • Employees 200 Direct labor + 400 Indirect labor
  • Operation date End of 2018

Karoon Phosphate Complex

Karoon Phosphate Complex unit (Abadan) under the full ownership of Parsian Chemical Industries conglomerate in line with the ideals of self-sufficiency and development of industrial capacities and with the aim of supplying raw materials for downstream industries required by domestic and foreign markets in Khuzestan province, Abadan free zone, Industrial Park 1, Phase 3, was established in 2004 and was put into operation in 2014 under the license and engineering of ECEC China. This company has been established on a 16-acre plot land for the production of phosphoric acid and its downstream products, including sodium tripolyphosphate, monoammonium phosphate, and diammonium phosphate. This company has created jobs for 200 people directly and 400 people indirectly in the deprived area, which the number of employments will increase by at least 35% after the end of the development plan.

Contact us

This company is a manufacturer of sodium tripolyphosphate (STPP) in Iran and abroad, which is used in the detergent industry and in the ceramic industry to thicken ceramic tile glaze. Domestic market demand for sodium tripolyphosphate in Iran is about 10,000 tons per year, however, the factory reached 12,000 tons of STPP production in 2022 with the help of the company’s internal engineers. Also, in the process of producing phosphoric acid, phosphogypsum is produced as a by-product, which is in the research stage as a fertilizer containing calcium-sulfide-phosphate in agricultural fields.

The plan is to increase the production of STPP to the level of 20 thousand tons in 2023. Regarding to excess production compared to domestic consumption, In the last year, Karoon Phosphate Complex exported excess products to countries such as India, Turkey, and Iraq.

Production Process

First, phosphate soil is mixed with water. Then the resulting slurry undergoes a chemical reaction with sulfuric acid, which is a 26% diluted phosphoric acid process. This is using excess sulfuric acid of Iran which is the product of other production units in the country. By using excess produced sulfuric acid, factory improves the environmental conditions of the country. The resulting dilute phosphoric acid is then combined with caustic soda (NAOH), and the STPP is the product of this process.

Development plan

This company intends to produce 52% phosphoric acid with a capacity of 100,000 tons per year by the end of 2024 through a development project with an approximate cost of 12 million dollars and through the construction of a dilute phosphoric acid concentration unit with the technical assistance of a European country. It is possible to produce 80,000 tons of mono-ammonium phosphate (MAP) or 80,000 tons of di-ammonium phosphate (DAP) per year after completing first phase of development plan.

Our Vision

supply of phosphate fertilizers in the country

For more information, please go to: http://phosphate.karoonpc.com/?lang=en

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