Negin Gachsar Ancient Hotel

  • Areas of Activity Tourism
  • Location Gachsar , Alborz
  • Employees 20 Direct labor + 15 Indirect labor
  • Restoration date End of 2017

Negin Gachsar Ancient Hotel

Negin Gachsar Ancient Hotel is built within a land an area of 28,500 square meters at km 65 of the Karaj-Chalos Road and near the pleasant village of Gachsar. Gachsar Palace Suite was opened in 1309 by the Reza Shah Pahlavi I. Its residential section, which includes 26 rooms, was opened in 1330 during the reign of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi II. Also, 4 luxurious suites were put into operation from 2016.

The initial renovation of this hotel was in 1996, when most of the rooms were available to tourists and travelers. After that, in 2016, the suites and rooms were renovated again, and now this hotel has been designed and renovated by the Parsian Chemical Industry Company.

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Since Negin Gachsar ancient hotel is located on Chalus road, it has clean and pleasant air. The drinking water of the hotel is provided to the passengers from the mountain springs naturally, which also has therapeutic properties; Therefore, this place is very popular among tourists and travelers who pass through Chalus. The proximity of Negin Gachsar Hotel to the river and mountains has brought a pleasant and peaceful atmosphere to the guests. The presence of natural tourism attractions such as Murad Ice Cave, Valad Spring and Tulip Garden in the vicinity of this hotel has made nature and nature lovers to visit this place more than ever before.

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